Wednesday, August 14, 2013

YAY! Happy 1 Month in Brazil! Only 14 more to go... ;)

Let's talk about the fun and exciting stuff first and then I'll get a little serious with you.

Birthday Dress: For my birthday present to myself, Sister D. and I decided to go shopping in Sao Paulo. Oh man, it was so cool. Shopping in Brazil is divine. They have miles and miles of clothing shops. It's Heaven to say the least. Anyways, I ended up finding a flowy blue dress for R$60. I have to get it hemmed today, but I'll send you a pic next week. Also  we went to the train station to get there and I'm pretty sure I found platform 9 3/4...

The Youth! On Wednesday, we had a meeting at the Chapel and all of the youth were there. And, oh my heck, they are so awesome. They were all playing soccer in the back with a flat basketball (lol) and then they came and started trying to talk to me and telling me their names and what not. Talking with the Youth is WAY easier than talking with adults because when you ask them to speak slower, they actually speak slower instead of just talking louder at the same speed and giving you a wierd look. Also, there's a youth that is an olympic gymnast in our ward... it's fine. no big deal. and he wants us to teach his friends. shawn johnson maybe? 

English Class: Can I just tell you how much I love teaching English Class? I LOVE it. Not just because I get to forget all of my Portuguese for an hour and a half each week, but because they are just so funny! They love to ask me about my family back home and my love life and they always bring quotes from English movies to ask me about. This week they asked me about the term 'teenage kicks' and about how you leave the house when you are 18 in the US. 

M.: This week there is something very special attatched to my email... A picture of one of my investigators and me! Meet M.. M. is in his 60's and LOVES me. Seriously. He just loves me. Probably because the first time I met him, I told him I have an accent because I am from Recife... now every time he sees me he says OPA! The girl from recife is here! Haha he thinks I am hilarious. He has taken all of the discussions, but has a problem with being baptized again. thats the only thing holding him back... big surprise haha But anyways, this week he made us a HUGE cake, it was so good. Favorite thing about Brazil... Chocolate is its own food group.

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